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Stress and Energy: Survival Strategies for Parents of Disabled Children

by | Nov 1, 2016

Pediatric Nursing Care Doral FL

Pediatric Nursing Care Doral FLBeing a parent always comes with unique challenges, stresses, and plenty of missed hours of sleep. Parents coping with a disabled child have an even steeper hill to climb to find enough rest and internal serenity to tackle the grief, fears, and added stress that comes with managing a host of symptoms, paperwork, care teams, and all the other unique challenges they face. When the bucket runs dry, many parents can find themselves falling into a depression which only worsens the cycle. What can be done to help manage the stress and boost energy to help parents cope more effectively?

When in doubt, move around

As counterintuitive as it may seem while exhausted, exercise is a great way to provide sustainable energy throughout each day. A lot of us think of an hour in the gym and despair, but a good fitness routine need not require a membership, special equipment, leaving the house, or a lot of time. 10-15 minutes a day can do a lot of good in improving stamina and boost overall energy levels. Go for a brisk walk, find a fitness video on Youtube, or simply dance around to your favorite songs.

Still your mind

No need to chant a mantra or find an ancient man on a distant mountaintop, meditation can be as simple as focusing on an image, an idea, or even allowing the mind to drift for ten minutes. The benefits are profound. Science has demonstrated plenty of physical and mental health benefits associated with daily meditation practice. Some of the particularly pertinent ones include a decrease in depression and an uptick in positive emotional energy, less stress and anxiety, a stronger ability to regulate emotions and think introspectively, boosts focus and memory, and improves multitasking ability. Pretty crucial stuff for parents of disabled kids, right? There are lots of great, free resources on the web to help parents get started on this productive practice.

Nourish thyself

Good nutrition is vital to long-term energy levels and health. It’s extremely easy to lose track of when caring for another with complex needs. Parents need good fuel to survive each day. Dodge the rapid boost of sugars (swap soda for tea or water, stick to whole fruits instead of juice for added fiber), ditch the trans fats in favor of healthy fats (mashed avocado is a great mayo substitute on sandwiches!), and don’t forget proteins and lots of liquids. Dehydration happens faster than most of us realize and can leave us feeling lethargic.

Get help

Hiring a pediatric home care assistant can do a world of good in helping parents manage the daily stressors associated with keeping their child healthy and happy. These specialized assistants can grant parents a much-needed break so parents can engage in good self-care, better tend to the needs of the rest of the household and even get some time away from home. All vital in maintaining a healthy mindset so that each new challenge can be tackled effectively.

Check out these tips to help keep you on your feet and boost your serenity.

Sources: https://iancommunity.org/cs/articles/parental_depression https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/feeling-it/201309/20-scientific-reasons-start-meditating-today

If you or a loved one are considering Pediatric Nursing Care Services in Doral FL, contact the caring staff at Providence Healthcare Services.  We provide services in all of Miami Dade county and the Upper Keys. Call today (305) 680-5349.
